Fighting For My Freedom

2 Reasons To Get Legal Representation For Your DUI Charges

If you have recently been charged with a DUI, you may be tempted to represent yourself in your case. However, self representation for driving under the influence is not always advantageous. Here are a couple reasons why:

It is sometimes your word against that of a law enforcement officer.

The decision to arrest you and charge you with DUI is basically that of the arresting officer. If he or she believes that your driving is impaired and thinks that drugs or alcohol may be involved, you can be charged with a DUI, even though your blood alcohol content is not high enough to exceed the legal limit.

A DUI attorney can help present evidence that effectively refutes the findings of the arresting officer. The attorney will recognize unacceptable practices that may be present in the police report. This is important because the officer may or may not have adhered to proper protocol concerning your arrest, and an error in proper procedure could help challenge any determinations that were made by the police officer. In addition, collected evidence that was not obtained in manner that supports your Constitutional rights may be disregarded in court if a lawyer can identify such errors.

Even the type and maintenance of alcohol testing equipment that may have been employed when you were arrested could play a part in whether or not you are found guilty.

An implied consent law could result in the long-term suspension of your license without legal representation.

An implied consent law basically means that you have consented to the testing of your urine, breath or even blood if it is requested by a police officer due to a suspected case of driving-under-the-influence. Your refusal to comply with the testing can allow the officer to confiscate your license. A temporary driving permit may be offered as the DMV pursues a civil case against you. The civil case, which can incite the suspension or revocation of your driver's license may occur before your a criminal case even has a trial date.

In most states, implied consent that is not observed can result in a driver's license being suspended for up to a year.

Still, you may be allowed the opportunity to have your case heard at an administrative hearing to help protect your right to drive, but this hearing must be requested within a few days of your arrest. Without the representation of a DUI attorney at the license suspension hearing, you may have less chance of keeping your driving privileges.

To obtain legal representation for your DUI case, schedule a consultation with an attorney in your area.
